Guide to Obtaining An License BPOM License in Indonesia

All business owners who want to operate in Indonesia must acquire an Izin BPOM License before beginning operations – fortunately, we’re here to help! Read our comprehensive guide and start the process of getting your license today! 
Biruni Consulting

If you’re looking to operate a business in Indonesia, you’ll need an Izin BPOM License first. Getting this license can be complicated, but we’re here to simplify the process and make it easier for you to get your official registration. Read on to learn more about what an Izin BPOM license is and how you can get started with the process today!

What is an Izin BPOM License?
An Izin BPOM License is a license issued by the Indonesian National Agency for Drug and Food Control (Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan or BPOM) that allows your business to operate in Indonesia. It’s valid for five years and certifies the legality of your company’s products, verifying that they meet all quality regulations set forth by the Indonesian government

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